In this lesson, the speaker addresses the theme of spiritual maturity, building on the foundation laid in the previous level. The focus is on the attitudes and changes required for growth in the Christian faith. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s current spiritual condition while simultaneously striving for more.
In this lesson on spiritual growth, the speaker discusses the instruments God uses to foster spiritual maturity in believers. Drawing from various scripture passages, particularly from 1 Corinthians and Philippians, the speaker emphasizes that God is the primary source of spiritual growth, working through individuals and the church community.
In the video lesson titled "Developing a Relationship with the Holy Spirit," the speaker emphasizes the importance of fostering a personal connection with the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.
In this lesson, we delve into the gifts of the Holy Spirit as delineated in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, where the manifestations of the Spirit are discussed. The gifts include wisdom, knowledge, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation. The speaker emphasizes that these gifts are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's presence and that it is essential to understand that we are not the users of these gifts; rather, we are the vessels through which the Holy Spirit operates.
In this lesson about the Gifts of the Spirit, the focus is on three specific gifts: the gift of tongues, the interpretation of tongues, and the discerning of spirits. The lesson begins by distinguishing between the prayer language of tongues, given to all believers as evidence of the Holy Spirit's baptism, and the gift of tongues, which is used for the edification of the church. The speaker explains that the prayer language serves various purposes, including personal edification during prayer and worship.
In this lesson on the gifts of the Spirit, we explore two of the least understood gifts: the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom. Both are not merely expressions of human intellect but are manifestations of the Holy Spirit's divine insight.
In this video lesson, the focus is on the Gifts of the Spirit, specifically the Gifts of Power, which include the gift of faith, the gifts of healings, and the working of miracles. The speaker elaborates on the nature of faith, distinguishing between two types: the growing faith that believers possess and the supernatural gift of faith that is conferred by the Holy Spirit in times of need.
In this lesson on “Confidence: The Source of a Local Church’s Servanthood,” the speaker emphasizes the significance of confidence in the local church’s ability to serve its community effectively.
In this lesson on "Relationships in the Local Church," the significance of love and forgiveness as foundational elements in a church community is discussed. The teaching emphasizes that a local church is comprised of individuals who must cultivate long-term relationships to fulfill God’s purpose.
In this lesson titled "Understanding Authority," we explore the emotional and often contentious topic of submitting to authority. The discussion reveals that rebellion is a pervasive issue in society, largely attributed to Satan’s influence, which fosters an atmosphere of anarchy and lawlessness.
In this lesson, we delve into the concept of authority, focusing on its three foundational aspects: the source of authority, the purpose of authority, and the limits of authority.
In the video titled "The Ministry of Deliverance," the speaker outlines a comprehensive understanding of demon possession, oppression, and the Christian ministry of deliverance as taught in the Bible.
In this lesson titled "The Healing Ministry of Jesus," the speaker emphasizes the significance of Jesus' healing acts as documented in the Gospels, noting that over 20% of the verses in the four Gospels focus on healing. The discussion is structured around three main themes: the motivation behind Jesus’ healing ministry, the methodology he employed, and the source of his healing power.